Oral Health Info for Parents

Happy family with good dental hygiene

As a parent, managing your kids’ oral health can be tough, especially considering the million other things you have going on in your day. Here are a few things to know that may help you get a handle on your kids’ oral health.

Tip #1: Cavities are all about DIET, DIET, DIET

It’s hard enough making sure your child brushes long enough and effectively enough, but you can make sure that their teeth are never too dirty in the first place by making sure they have a good diet. This means being strict about candy, and only letting them drink water. Cavities are caused by long-term diet habits, and sipping juice or milk all day long will eventually cause cavities.

Tip #2: Most children start getting permanent (adult) teeth at age 6

An adult molar (the first molar) comes in behind the baby teeth on top and bottom at around age six, so you may not be aware it is there. However, this is a very important tooth, and it tends to be one that has problems, because six year-olds don’t typically have the best oral hygiene. Also, adult molars have deeper grooves than baby teeth, so we typically recommend sealants, which fill in those deep grooves to provide a smooth surface that is easier to keep clean.

Tip #3: Fluoride is very important for growing children

Even before your child starts getting teeth, his/her teeth are developing underneath the gums. As soon as the child is born, there should be a small amount of fluoride in the diet to help strength the teeth against cavities later in life. If you use tap water, this should be sufficient, at least until their teeth come in…

…at which point, I always recommend toothpaste with fluoride, even in young children. HOWEVER, make sure to only use a small amount when brushing young kids’ teeth (the amount should be about the size of a grain of rice), because a child (under age 6 or so) will swallow the toothpaste.

For more info, you can also read “Oral Hygiene Tips”, which has a few general tips about keeping good oral health.

More tips to come later!