Bleeding Gums (periodontitis/gingivitis)

Although there are several reasons your gums might be prone to bleeding, the vast majority of the time it is due to chronic build-up of plaque and tartar (a.k.a. calculus) on your teeth.

Let’s start from the beginning

Teeth are covered in a layer of bacteria called a biofilm. But don’t worry, this is the case for every single person in the world who has teeth! Most of that bacteria is actually good, and in fact protects you against harmful bacteria and fungi. HOWEVER, if you frequently eat or drink lots of sugary things, or if you don’t properly brush and floss your teeth, this layer of bacteria starts to get a little out-of-control. The layer gets thicker, then BAD bacteria starts to find a home on your teeth, and several bad consequences result from this.

BAD bacteria causes plaque build-up. Plaque is a slimy white substance that is a mix of sugar and bacteria. It’s basically an all you can eat buffet of sugar for these bacteria. Well, when bacteria eat, it releases acid and by-products that cause cavities, gum irritation, and bad smells.

Having all these bacteria releasing by-products on your teeth and gums causes a reaction similar to a wound, like a paper cut or a bee sting. If you never clean the wound (i.e., if you don’t brush and floss properly), or if you keep picking at the scab (i.e., eating and drinking lots of sugary things), you are never going to heal, and your wound will keep getting bigger. If the wound gets all the way to the bone that holds your teeth in place, your bone may get damaged. Long term, you may lose ALL the bone that holds the teeth in! If you don’t have anything to hold the teeth in, well, you get the picture.

Long story short

Long story short, if your gums are bleeding, you already have a problem. Practicing proper oral hygiene is the first step to long term health. However, we recommend that you also come in for an exam, because there may be more that needs to be done to repair the damage that has already occurred.

Please contact us for an appointment.